2024 NOA Stats

NOA provided shelter and support services to 3,117 men, women & children.

    • NOA sheltered 3,117 people for a total of 3,532 bed nights.
    • NOA advocates responded to 2,503 crisis calls.
    • Advocates provided over 3,000 resource referrals.
    • Legal advocates assisted with 148 Temporary Protective Orders.
    • Licensed counselors provided 700 counseling sessions to victims suffering from the traumatic effects of DV.
    • Assisted with over $190,000 in emergency financial assistance.
    • DV Prevention School Program: This program provides education to elementary, middle, and high school students on the dynamics and dangers of abusive relationships. The curriculum “Hands are not for Hitting,” “Bullying,” “Domestic Violence,” and “Dating Violence,” was presented to a total of 1,755 students.